Chelsea GeorgeAtlanta Recording Connection

Chapter Thirteen Posted on 2017-05-18 by Chelsea George

In chapter 13 I learned about Equalization. Equalization is the process that engineers use to alter the frequency response of an audio signal. Frequencies become more pronounced if boosting or less pronounced if cutting. I learned in chapter 13 that the history of equalization goes back to the 1860s, because scientist needed to alter electrical signals in the field of submarine telegraph cables. I learned that an equalizer is a device that allows the user to intentionally change the quality of the audio signal that has been or is being recorded. Using filtering circuits that apply positive and negative gain to boost or cut a range of frequencies. Chapter 13 also explained that the goal of an EQ is to be able to alter the frequency spectrum of the audio signal. 

In the studio Renegade talked about frequency parameter and that the frequency parameter determines what range of frequencies will be affected. He talked about bandwidth (Q) and that it determines how wide a range of frequencies will be affected by the EQ. He explained Boost (increase) and cut  (decrease) for amplitude. I learned about the High, Low, and band pass filters. He said that A band pass filter essentially combines a high pass and a low pass filter togther. Renegade also explained  the cut off frequency and that the cut off frequency is the point in the frequency spectrum where the signal has been attenuated by 3dB. 

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