Chelsea GeorgeAtlanta Recording Connection

Chapter Fourteen Posted on 2017-05-28 by Chelsea George

In chapter 14 I learned about Dynamic processing. I learned the compressor/limiter parameter which includes ratio which determines the amount of gain reduction based on the degree the signal exceeds the threshold, Threshold which is the point at which compression or limiting takes place, attack which is how quickly compression initiates after the threshold is parameter by an incoming signal. release which is the amount of time after the signal dips below the threshold for compression to disengage, makeup gain which is applied to a signal post compression for the loss of level associated with compression, input gain is gain applied to the signal at the input compression is applied, and Knee which determines how the compressor responds as a signal reaches the threshold. I learned about other compressor parameters. I also learned about digital compressor  parameters, gate parameters and range control which allows range control allows the user to select the amount of attenuation below the threshold. In chapter fourteen  I learned about other compression techniques like De-esser ducking. 

In the studio Renegade explained multiband compression which is compression applied at different intensities on different frequency bands and he also talked about parallel compression also know as New York compression which is compression applied to an identical signal in parallel signal path. Renegade also explained side chain (Key chaining) which is compression technique where a compressor is set to use the volume level of another signal as a 'Key' to trigger its compression rather than the signal being affected. 


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