Chelsea GeorgeAtlanta Recording Connection

Chapter Fifteen Posted on 2017-06-01 by Chelsea George

In Chapter Fifteen I learned about Time-based Effects. I learned that like reverb and delay when applied to the audio signal, Time-based Effects will alter the space and time of a given sound in the stereo field depending on certain varibles of the device your using. I learned in chapter 15 that delay isthe most common type of Time-based Effect and I also learned that delay is actually a delayed signal that takes additional time to reach the ears of the listener, delay occurs naturally when we hear a reveberated signal. I also learned that reverberation is the persistence of sound waves and their behavior as they propagate through an environment. 

In the studio Renegade explained the other Time-based Effects like chorusing  which is the sweep if the delay time falls within a shorter range and the instruments are very close in timbre, we get a doubling or magical chours effect. He aslo explained the phaser and that is if the delay time is set to only seep between 0 and 1 millisecond a subtle effect known as phasing occurs. Renegade stated that phasing occurs naturally when two similar instruments are playing the same collection of notes together. 


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