DanielleCalgary Recording Connection

Atoms, Electricity and Musical vibes! Posted on 2017-01-24 by Danielle

After reading the chapter this week I was reminded of a book that I am currently reading called:

"The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" by Deepak Chopra.

In the book, under the 5th Law of Intention and Desire, the author discusses how humans, along with every other thing on the planet is made of the same elements in varying quantities (atoms!) But the really interesting part is when Chopra states that:

"the real difference between the two of you [a human and a tree] is in the energy and in the information."

Chopra goes on to say that we

"are like a wigle, a wave, a fluctuation, a convolution, a whirlpool, a localized disturbance in the large quatum field. The large quantum field - the universe - is your extended body."

So why I found this interesting is because, at an molecular level, this planet and everything on it is merely a combination of various different elements. However, what makes it so interesting and amazing is the movement and change of these elements and the effect it has on everything else. the way that atoms interact with one another at a molecular level is like a dance, a whirl, a wigle, a fluctuation in the universe. When we breath we move the air around us in the atmosphere, it may be in minute quantities but it still occurs. When a beautiful song is played the molecules in the air are moved in a special way that brings joy to the ears of the listeners. All the little movements around us are so small but yet can carry such a strong and powerful message. 



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