Raymond CallahanCharlotte Recording Connection

The Jello Is Indeed Yellow Posted on 2014-01-22 by Raymond Callahan

    So, this is my first entry.  My name is Wes Callahan and I entered this program to get a better grasp on production and recording for my own singer/songwriter benefits. 

   I guess I'll start from the beginning. During the orientation, I was given a walk-through of the studio. I honestly had no idea what 60% of the equipment was, or what it did, and I hadn't yet met my classmates. I didn't know what to expect upon the first day of class. We started on Saturday, the 11th of January. I remember walking up to the building with the exciting feeling of starting a new chapter of my life. I met most of my classmates immediately. There are 6 of us total. A gentleman with a backgroung in voice-overs, a piano tuner and film teacher, a producer, a guitar player, and a college student who also runs front-of-house using Logic for his church. We all had the same goal, to become engineers. We were re-introduced to our mentors, Glenn and Susan Tabor, as well as Wade Starnes. Glenn and Wade are teachers whenever we are in a classroom setting. Both have been using recording techniques since they were kids, and saying that they have a love and passion for the craft would be an understatement. 

   During the first week, we learned about the science of sound, connectivity, digital audio, analog, ad signal flow. I have to say, I was a little overwhelmed by the information. Especially digital audio and analog, mainly because I couldn't grasp the concept at first. I am definitely thankful for the ActiveTextbook because it is parallel with our curriculum. I read the assignments, and when its time for class, I have a grasp and understanding of what I am going to learn in depth.

   We were also given our group project. We are to choose an inexperienced artist and record an original song from start to finish. Obviously, I would have loved to be the artist, but I understand that I should get to know the other side of the spectrum. We all had an artist or artists in mind. Mine was a Ska band whose lead sing and bassist I worked with. We threw the names in a had and had Wade choose for us. A young singer by the name of MAggie was chosen, and after hearing a rough recording, I am pretty thrilled to get the opportunity to work with her. Her tone is what makes her voice special. It has the purity of an Irish folk singer's with bright pop-py qualities. Oh, and our team name is Engin-Ear. I thought that was pretty clever. Thank you Mark!

   I am looking forward to next week. 


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