In this chapter I learned what the mixing process entails and how to prepare for it effectively. You can prepare for a mix by file management, labeling, markers, color coding, renaming your busses, grouping and subgrouping, listening to the song etc. This was a very important chapter to learn because in any song that you record for a client you will be the one mixing it so you should know the most effective way to approach a mix and make it your own. Mixing is subjective to the listener and audio engineer. You dont have to follow a standard policy and procedure on how to mix down a song. Its up to you as an audio engineer to make the song sound great! I cant wait to learn more about the mastering process and to finish my song that we are working on for this chapter!
Bryan Tyler — Chicago Recording Connection
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Bryan Tyler
In this chapter I had the chance to play around with elastic audio. This plug in invention I think is relatively awesome if you have an off beat time that needs to be to a fixed beat without you needing to re-do a session... Read More >>
Bryan Tyler
This chapter was somewhat more hard for me to grasp because I have never been a MIDI type of expert. I have always been a musician to where I use an instrument in my hands rather than on a computer... Read More >>