I expected my first experience at Miller Street Studios to be short and sweet because most of the material was review, but I ended up staying for over 4 hours to watch Joe work with one of his clients, Tim Streetzz. Joe and I began the lesson by going over the material, but then quickly he started showing me the hardware that he used to mix/master in the studio. His control room hardware consisted primarily of an Alesis X2 analog 24 track console, a Tube Tech CL1B Compressor, a GML 8900 Dynamic Rnge Controller, a Distressor British Mod, Lynx A/D Converters, and an array of preamps and mics. We then discussed our favorite plugins and VSTs with no surprise that we use a lot of the same equipment. Tim Streetzz came in ready to work. He immediately had Joe upload a new instrumental onto ProTools, and then got right into the booth to start recording. It only took him a few takes to get it down, and then he added in a harmony at the end to tie the track together. From there, Tim and Joe spent a couple hours going through older songs to get the mixing down. The album seems like it's coming together really nicely. I'm really looking forward to getting back into the studio this week to learn more about the basics of electronics.
Ian Snow — Chicago Recording Connection
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