Chapter 3 was an exciting lesson because we finally started diving into new material on digital audio. I learned about sampling and quantizing sound waves, analog to digital converters, sample rate, bit depth, signal to noise ratio, and different formats for converting sound. This is essential to music production and recording because projects on Pro Tools or other DAWs are exported are specific bit depths and sample rates, so knowing how to properly choose the correct depth and rate serves as the final step to producing a strong track. Audio is also recorded using those same values, which is important for finding the best quality while making sure that the computer can handle all of the functions being processed. Joe had an artist in the studio by the name of Ruby who was an axcellent singer and rapper. Her music is unique in the sense that she uses heavier most dubstep-esque beats to rap over, which I thought added a lot of flavor and grit to her music. The combination of that and her powerful female essence are sure to be a crowd pleaser.
Ian Snow — Chicago Recording Connection
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