Date of session: 9-7-12
Time in: 12:00 Time out: 1:41pm
Lesson 2
Today's lesson involved the instruction of studio acoustics and speaker monitors. My mentor, Andy, discussed the following; reverberated signals, how to determine dead ends, sweet spots, and live ends, what the appropriate type of materials are needed when constructing a studio, how those materials are manipulated to increase clarity of sound, how diffusers break up standing waves, and how all these aspects of acoustics effect your mixes.
After our discussion on acoustics, we began talking about speakers and monitors. I learned what the difference between a 2-way and 3-way monitors, which effect lows, mids, and highs of an expressed signal. I also learned the difference between passive and active speakers, which means the presence of an amp (active) in one type of monitor speaker vs. no amp (passive) in another type of monitor speaker.
The most interesting thing I absorbed from this lesson has to be the knowledge of what to look for when designing a studio. Andy helped me understand this concept by taking me to each room in the studio where we clapped to hear how it varies in sound and by talking, as to grasp a better idea of how sound travels.
The questions I had at the beginning of the lesson were answered during lecture. My main concern was to gain a better understanding of how room dimensions effect sound. Andy also cleared up my confusion about using egg cartons as diffusers.
Joey Greco — Chicago Recording Connection
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