Memoox3 — Cincinnati Recording Connection

Major: Music Production
I lived 23 Years trying to find what I wanted to do while at the back of my head the only thing I knew how to do was to sing, so I left Egypt came here, lived an awful three month to start and finally am here and ready and decided to study music production make my own music, because simply I listen to everything starting from Justin Bieber to Led Zeppelin and my favorites in the middle deep techno, progressive. and I like to mix it a little bit with eastern insturments. Alot of my friends make music and they mix too and am so inpired by them specially the self-taught one, but I like to follow specific rules and do it right \"fancy way of saying am stupid and can\'t be self taught\" :D. Justin Nozuka and Tash Sultana are my comfort zone along side Soley and every single underground rappers. RIP lil peep He was an inspiration to me. On my way to NYC all the way from Ohio, then Wisconsion and Finally New York City I got to meet awesome local rappers and music producers in Appleton who I admire so bad! I\'m all about Painful music even when it\'s not painful, if someone speak their heart out using their music am automatically a fan. And that\'s what I wanna do and help others to do it also.