The first day I was at Empire Sound Studio went smooth. I found out there was another student that started the same day as me. Leland basically went over some basics of Ableton and its layout. He was asking question that somebody into producing music should know such as, knowing the difference between MIDI and Audio tracks and thier properties. He also went into detail about how some new features work in Ableton 10 to the best of his ablility since he didn't have it yet. The other new student and I shared some past projects we had done once we were able to and Leland was glad to to hear how much we could already to and said he would enjoy the time he is gonna spend with us.
Luis Estrada IV — Dallas Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Luis Estrada IV
Luis Estrada IV
Leland explained some options and the range an analog synthesizer has and let us mess around with it. A friend of his brought another one synth of his we experimented with that as well in conjuntion with the other synthesizer... Read More >>
Luis Estrada IV
I can't remember what happened but Leland mentioned about bringing his analog synth. Read More >>