When I got to the studio I noticed that there was yet another person that was just starting too. However, she was just starting over here in Dallas while she had already started when she was living in California. At least what i had understood what the situation was. She was pretty cool and we shared some music when her lesson was done. Leland asked me to show him some ableton projects I had been working on so that we could maybe work on one of them. I showed him one I named, " Funky Cleopatra" and he was looking over that and asking me what I did and asked why I did it if I could explain. He noticed that I had used the eq in a surgical way to eliminate some frequencies and explained that I thought it sounded better. He was satisfied that I was able to do so and explained how to bring more life to audio to make it feel in the foreground of the mix. Beforehand he asked me if I had hit any walls yet so I replied with "Yeah, I want my drums to sound human like with all the inconsitancies and finesse that a drummer would have" he replied, "That's something that will take a while, somthing we all want to acheive (something along those lines)."
Luis Estrada IV — Dallas Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Luis Estrada IV
Luis Estrada IV
Leland explained some options and the range an analog synthesizer has and let us mess around with it. A friend of his brought another one synth of his we experimented with that as well in conjuntion with the other synthesizer... Read More >>
Luis Estrada IV
I can't remember what happened but Leland mentioned about bringing his analog synth. Read More >>