I arrived early to the studio and noticed how natural it feels now to be in an area such as this one. I watched the other people that were before my lesson with Leland and did my best to get aquanted with them. One of them was a girl named Joy, which is the new student I mentioned on last week's post that was from California. The other was a guy named Matt I believe and it was his fifth week at the time. It was a little different to hear and see how the other two made their music. The workflow seems rather different and the genre of music they llike making is different as well because one has a house type of sound to it while the other is going for that dubstep that somebody could start a moshpit with. Once it was time for Leland and I to start, I had showed him some small ideas I had done and he was able to suggest that I use the end of a piano piece to be the intro to another song. He also suggested for me to use the session view and showed ways how it can turn some four bar loops into a raw idea of a 2-3 minute song.
Luis Estrada IV — Dallas Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Luis Estrada IV
Luis Estrada IV
Leland explained some options and the range an analog synthesizer has and let us mess around with it. A friend of his brought another one synth of his we experimented with that as well in conjuntion with the other synthesizer... Read More >>
Luis Estrada IV
I can't remember what happened but Leland mentioned about bringing his analog synth. Read More >>