Robert AvilaElk Grove Recording Connection

Interacting with the future Posted on 2017-02-22 by Robert Avila

A big part of the experience at the studio, is meeting your mentor's clients and the artists working in the studio. When talking music, or your creative input is requested; there is always an opportunity that you are meeting a future client, developing a working relationship. The foresight is a powerful skill to have in this constantly evolving business. The exciting part to me, has been reading all the history of the storied pasts of famous musical acts, and how their creativity has been stoked by chance encounters in live venues or recording situations. I am optimistic that anyone that walks through those doors, could be the driving factor behind a new genre's style, or affecting the Chicago sound of an era.

The MIDI section of the course was the chapter I most anticipated! Years ago, I first hooked up my keyboard to a computer via USB-MIDI, and my eyes were opened to a world of new sounds, and possibilities. Then came an understanding of virtual instruments and sampling technology, and laptop recording, and ultimately schools with a focus of music and related technology, like this one.

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