Second day in the studio is complete. What great fun! A group of people not too much older than me were recording an album! Well, two of them were. The other three were just there to give ideas and such, I think. But it was a great second day! My mentor, Kevin, let me run the sound board for a little while! I've had some experience recording in the past, so I had an idea of what to do. Still, I was quite nervous. It worked out well though, all things considered, being my first time running a board in a new place with a small group of people behind me. Continuing to learn a lot, having loads of fun.
Ryan Wildebour — Grand Rapids Recording Connection
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Ryan Wildebour
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Ryan Wildebour
So excited to start using Pro tools on my own! I've used it quite a bit before, but I've learned and am still learning so much, I'm stoked to get into it! I'm hoping to get some of my other musically talented friends to come over and record with me! Whatever I can do to get some practice in! I have so many ideas for possible songs and what not that I can't wait to start recording! Read More >>