Did a full length album today! Well, at least, started a full length album! Did all the tracking for the drums, got that solid foundation. It went relatively quick! It's faster to record an entire album than it is to record just one song. Well, more efficient to record a full album that is. Because there's less setting up and tearing down! It's much easier to blast through all the drum tracks at once, than it is to finish drums on one song, set up a bass or whatever is next, and then repeat that for every song!
Ryan Wildebour — Grand Rapids Recording Connection
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Ryan Wildebour
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Ryan Wildebour
So excited to start using Pro tools on my own! I've used it quite a bit before, but I've learned and am still learning so much, I'm stoked to get into it! I'm hoping to get some of my other musically talented friends to come over and record with me! Whatever I can do to get some practice in! I have so many ideas for possible songs and what not that I can't wait to start recording! Read More >>