Just got to work with a band called Rumours! It was a lot of fun. They played full band in order to track the drums, then went back and over dubbed everything else. It took a couple days but we got almost everything recorded! The guitarist had a ton of awesome vintage gear that was really interesting to see. One of his amps we ended up using 4 mics and a DI box on! It was quite the sound after it was all said and done.
Ryan Wildebour — Grand Rapids Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Ryan Wildebour
Ryan Wildebour
Just worked on some vocal tracks for the band " The Rumours". The project is really coming together! It's been a great experience so far... Read More >>
Ryan Wildebour
So excited to start using Pro tools on my own! I've used it quite a bit before, but I've learned and am still learning so much, I'm stoked to get into it! I'm hoping to get some of my other musically talented friends to come over and record with me! Whatever I can do to get some practice in! I have so many ideas for possible songs and what not that I can't wait to start recording! Read More >>