On the first day at the studio I was very excited, looking forward to learn. I got at the studio and their was another student who was waiting at the lobby it was his second day starting the program his name was Laik. We meet another student who had been their for a while her name was Jordan and I believe she also works at the studio kind if like a secretary. Our mentor wasn´t their he had been out for the week so Jordan showed us around the studio. She showed us a an overview on the equipment like the plug ins and showed us a little on how she makes beats. We also learned how to set up one of the microphones, a condenser mic.
Jennifer Moreno — Houston Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Jennifer Moreno
Jennifer Moreno
For this week I went over my lesson at the studio with the other engenner Matt. This week was about replacing sounds and drumagog here at the studio they don't use drumagog but they have a different plug-in for that... Read More >>
Jennifer Moreno
This week I got together again with the Ryan engeneer to go over this weeks lesson. This lesson was about compressor types I didn't really have to many questions on this lesson... Read More >>