The second week at the studio Ricky my mentor set up a time for his students to have a one on one with an engineer of the studio. On my one on on I meet Ryan the engineer. During that time we went over any questions that I had on the first chapter, I didn´t have many questions about it it was mostly an introduction about sound and how it worked, the process of how we listen. With time left over he started to make a beat, which was cool watching the process of the beginning and seeing the music evolve. During that week I also got to sit in a session where I meet the other engineer Matt along with two other students who also sat in the session. In the session we got to see how Matt mastered a few songs for this raper that goes by the name David G, who brought his own recorded music. Matt did a very good job to make the music sound as good as possible.
Jennifer Moreno — Houston Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Jennifer Moreno
Jennifer Moreno
For this week I went over my lesson at the studio with the other engenner Matt. This week was about replacing sounds and drumagog here at the studio they don't use drumagog but they have a different plug-in for that... Read More >>
Jennifer Moreno
This week I got together again with the Ryan engeneer to go over this weeks lesson. This lesson was about compressor types I didn't really have to many questions on this lesson... Read More >>