During this week Ryan wasn't able to come in and go over the lesson but Ricky came in and taught us. We went over the lesson I was in which was a preety important one about how to set up mics for instruments. He went over the different mics with us for those that didn't know and which are prefered for which instrument. He also showed us how to set up drums I liked that he was very hands on and showed us instead of just telling us I feel like I was really able to learn a lot durring that hour. Also during that week I meet a couple other students like Mark and Nani ( not sure if that is spelled right). Me and Abraham showed Mark what we had done with the beat we had found on the computer, it was a song that he had also recorded on he likes to rap. He liked it and we talked about working on something together hopefully next week.
Jennifer Moreno — Houston Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Jennifer Moreno
Jennifer Moreno
For this week I went over my lesson at the studio with the other engenner Matt. This week was about replacing sounds and drumagog here at the studio they don't use drumagog but they have a different plug-in for that... Read More >>
Jennifer Moreno
This week I got together again with the Ryan engeneer to go over this weeks lesson. This lesson was about compressor types I didn't really have to many questions on this lesson... Read More >>