Chapter 15 was somewhat of a review. I had learned a lot about delay and reverb during the Sine Wave Project and how the two are used so often.
There are a lot of similarities between delay and reverb. Basically, reverb is an intense form of delay. A delay acts as an echo in which you may add feedback in order to have the echo repeat. Reverb is the open room sound that holds on to the initial sound for times related to the size and material of the room.
Delay parameters consist of the rate, the feedback, speed, depth and the mix or the amount of effect applied. These are a little different than the reverb parameters, which include room type, density, pre-delay, decay, mix and width or spread.
We also talked about what I like to call the “accessory time based effects”. This includes flanging (underwater-like characteristics), chorusing (imitation stacking), and the phaser ( uses comb filters).
There really wasn’t too too much going on the week of this chapter. There were a few sessions but those will be documented in other blogs and on other social networkings. Up next, MIDI.