Met with Joe Hernandez yesteday at Innovative Music Studios for Lesson 8. I'm working full-time now so we had to change our meeting time from Mondays at 3pm to Tuesdays at 7pm. For this lesson we went over an add on to ProTools called SoundReplacer. The purpose of SoundReplacer is to take an instrumental track that may not be the cleanest and best sounding and replace it with a similar track that sounds better and more polished. I had a little rough time getting the program to operate correctly in the beginning, but once we had the program functioning correctly, the process was not difficult. You simply import an instrumental track into ProTools, duplicate it then deleted the track space from the track you just duplicated, select a section from the original track that you wish to replace and upload into SoundReplacer. Make sure you change the setting from Stereo to Mono and select the dubbed track setting in SoundReplacer, then click Render. The selected segment will then be embedded in the dubbed track space with a more polished sound than the original. I'll have to check with about getting this program.