Matt Hieber — Kansas City Recording Connection

"They say that crowns are reserved for kings.
That jewels are the realm for those who deserve them.
And in the blink of an eye.
In the changing of the wind, fortunes change.
Through every shipwreck comes the chance to begin again.
To rebuild anew atop the mistakes of the past.
Out of death comes life."
-Epic Narration Guy From Knife Party's Reconnect
I'm a kid. I'm a grown up. I'm a producer. But most of all I'm whatever I need to be to get my foot in the door.
Having discovered my love for electronic music during highschool. My inspiration is taking me places I never thought possible. Artists like Fox Stevenson, Porter Robinson, and Zomboy have shown me that there is another side to every story. What I once thought to be hideously-unskilled creations, I now know to be different kinds of free-form expression.
I like all music, but electronic comes out on top form under the condition that it can bring together all genres of music if given the chance.
I want to help reshape the image of electronic music one step at a time so that someday you may hope to go to a electronic music festival not to just get high or use Lsd.