J-Himmy Productionslas vegas Recording Connection

Week 8 in the studio! / (Chapter 8: Into To Protools) Posted on 2016-12-06 by J-Himmy Productions

During week 8, My mentor and I went to download Protools onto my laptop. We started going through the next chapter to help me complete the steps on downloading Protools Links to my Mac laptop. My mentor also let me use the B studio to learn sine waves on protools. As I was learning how to make a base sound by followig the steps on the video provided on chapter 10, I was able to check out some of the plugins that protools has to offer. Instead of making the same sounding base on the video I played around with it myself and came up with a more deeper 808 sounding base line. Protools is still a hard software for me to get used to, but I feel that eveyday im in the studio I understand it more and more.

-Section 1:

- Section Quiz review answers

- Digidesign has been owned by "Avid" since 1995

- Pro tools is a DAW, which stands for "Digital Audio Workstation"

- The first version of Pro tools was released in "1991"

- Digidrums and the first venture of the duo who created digidesign, "Peter Gotcher" and "Evan Brooks"

- Avid has been awarded: "A Grammy, an Emmy, and an Oscar"

Mac keys to Windows Keys: Command (Apple) = Control

              Option = Alt

              Control = Start (Windows)

              Return Key = Enter Key (Not numeric keypad)

              Delete key = Backspace key

Create new session = Control + N

Create new track = Shift + Contro + N

Section 2 Quiz review answers:

- To transfer a pro tools session from one location to another all you need to copy is the session (.ptx) File. : FALSE

- The "Audio Files" folder contains all the audio associated with your pro tools session.

- The "WaveCache File" contains the graphic representations of the waveforms in your session.

- The "Rendered files" folder is a temporary folder that is created during your session to temporarily store "rendered" elastic audio file information.

- "Clip groups" used to be called region groups prior to pro tools version 10.


With effect -rendered file

no effect -not rendered file

-ProTools Shortcuts-


1. File Menu

-Ctrl+N    New session...

-Ctrl+O    Open session...

-Ctrl+Shift+O    Open recent

-Ctrl+Shift+W    Close session

-Ctrl+S    Save

-Ctrl+Alt+B    Bounce to - Disk...

-Alt+Shift+I    Import - Session data...

-Ctrl+Shift+I    Import - Audio...

-Ctrl+Alt+I    Import - MIDI...

-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I    Import - Video...

-Ctrl+P    Print score...

-Ctrl+Q    Exit


2. Edit Menu

-Ctrl+Z    Undo

-Ctrl+Shift+Z    Redo

-Ctrl+Alt+Z    Restore last selection

-Ctrl+X    Cut

-Ctrl+C    Copy

-Ctrl+V    Paste

-Ctrl+B    Clear

-Start+Shift+X    Cut special - Cut clip gain

-Start+Shift+C    Copy special - Copy clip gain

-Alt+M    Paste special - Merge

-Ctrl+Alt+V    Paste special - Repeat to fill selection

-Ctrl+Start+V    Paste special - To current automation type

-Start+Shift+B    Clear special - Clear clip gain

-Ctrl+A    Select all

-Alt+Shift+5    Selection - Change timeline to match edit

-Alt+Shift+6    Selection - Change edit to match timeline

-Alt+[    Selection - Play edit

-Alt+]    Selection - Play timeline

-Ctrl+D    Duplicate

-Alt+R    Repeat...

-Alt+H    Shift...

-Ctrl+Shift+E    Insert silence

-Ctrl+T    Trim clip - To selection

-Alt+Shift+7    Trim clip - Start to selection

-Alt+Shift+8    Trim clip - End to selection

-Ctrl+E    Separate clip - At selection

-Ctrl+H    Heal separation

-Alt+Shift+3    Consolidate clip

-Ctrl+M    Mute clips

-Ctrl+U    Strip silence

-Alt+Shift+U    TCE edit to timeline selection

-Ctrl+Alt+H    Automation - Copy to send...

-Ctrl+Alt+T    Automation - Thin

-Ctrl+/    Automation - Write to current

-Ctrl+Alt+/    Automation - Write to all enabled

-Ctrl+Shift+/    Automation - Trim to current

-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+/    Automation - Trim to all enabled

-Alt+/    Automation - Glide to current

-Alt+Shift+/    Automation - Glide to all enabled

-Ctrl+F    Fades - Create...

-Alt+D    Fades - Fade to start

-Alt+G    Fades - Fade to end


3. View Menu

-Ctrl+Alt+M    Narrow mix


4. Track Menu

-Ctrl+Shift+N    New...

-Ctrl+G    Group...

-Alt+Shift+D    Duplicate...

-Alt+K    Set record tracks to input only

-Ctrl+Alt+F    Scroll to track...

-Alt+C    Clear all clip indicators


5. Clip Menu

-Ctrl+L    Edit lock/unlock

-Alt+Start+L    Time lock/unlock

-Alt+Shift+B    Send to back

-Alt+Shift+F    Bring to front

-Ctrl+Alt+Start+NumPad0    Rating - None

-Ctrl+Alt+Start+NumPad1..5    Rating - 1..5

-Ctrl+Alt+G    Group

-Ctrl+Alt+U    Ungroup

-Ctrl+Alt+R    Regroup

-Ctrl+Alt+L    Loop...

-Ctrl+R    Capture...

-Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R    Rename...

-Ctrl+,    Identify/Remove sync point

-Ctrl+0 (zero)    Quantize to grid

-Alt+NumPad5    Elastic properties


6. Event Menu

-Alt+NumPad1    Time operations - Time operations window

-Alt+NumPad2    Tempo operations - Tempo operations window

-Alt+NumPad3    Event operations - Event operations window

-Alt+0 (zero)    Event operations - Quantize...

-Alt+P    Event operations - Change duration...

-Alt+T    Event operations - Transpose...

-Alt+Y    Event operations - Select/split notes...

-Alt+NumPad4    MIDI real-time properties

-Ctrl+NumPad8    Beat detective

-Ctrl+I    Identify beat...

-Ctrl+Shift+.    All MIDI notes off


7. Options Menu

-Alt+L    Loop record

-Ctrl+Shift+P    QuickPunch

-Ctrl+Shift+T    TrackPunch

-Ctrl+J    Transport online

-Ctrl+Shift+J    Video track online

-Ctrl+K    Pre/post-roll

-Ctrl+Shift+L    Loop playback

-Ctrl+Start+P    Dynamic transport

-Shift+/    Link timeline and edit selection

-Ctrl+Alt+P    Auto-spot clips

-Start+Shift+T    Edit/Tool mode keyboard lock


8. Setup Menu

-Ctrl+NumPad2    Session


9. Window Menu

-Ctrl+Alt+J    Configurations - Window configuration list

-Ctrl+Alt+Start+W    Hide all floating windows

-Ctrl+W    Close window

-Ctrl+=    Mix

-Start+=    MIDI editor

-Alt+Start+=    Score editor

-Alt+=    MIDI event list

-Alt+N    MIDI editors - Bring to front

-Alt+Shift+N    MIDI editors - Send to back

-Alt+'    Task manager

-Alt+;    Workspace

-Alt+O    Project

-Alt+J    Browsers - Bring to front

-Alt+Shift+J    Browsers - Send to back

-Ctrl+NumPad1    Transport

-Ctrl+NumPad3    Big counter

-Ctrl+NumPad4    Automation

-Ctrl+NumPad5    Memory locations

-Ctrl+NumPad7    Video universe

-Ctrl+NumPad9    Video


10. Misc.

-Shift+Space    Half-speed playback

-Ctrl+Shift+Space, Shift+F12    Half-speed record


11. Numeric Keypad Shortcuts

-NumPad0    Play/Stop

-NumPad1    Rewind

-NumPad2    Fast-Forward

-NumPad3    Record

-NumPad4    Loop Playback toggle

-NumPad5    Loop Record toggle

-NumPad6    Quick Punch toggle

-NumPad7    Metronome toggle

-NumPad8    Countoff toggle

-NumPad9    MIDI Merge

-NumPadEnter    Add Memory Location

-NumPad*    Main Counter Select

-NumPad/    Selection Counter Select

-NumPad+    Nudge Forward

-NumPad-    Nudge Backward

-CtrlNumPad1    Transport

-CtrlNumPad2    Session Setup

-CtrlNumPad3    Main Counter

-CtrlNumPad4    Automation Enable

-CtrlNumPad5    Memory Locations

-CtrlNumPad6    Machine Track Arming

-CtrlNumPad7    Video Universe

-CtrlNumPad8    Beat Detective

-CtrlNumPad9    Video

-AltNumPad0    Quantize (in Event Operations window)

-AltNumPad1    Time Operations

-AltNumPad2    Tempo Operations

-AltNumPad3    Event Operations

-AltNumPad4    Real-Time Properties

-AltNumPad5    Elastic Properties

-ShiftNumPad/    Link Timeline and Edit Selection

-NumPad.(Number).    Recall Memory Location

-NumPad.+    Add Windows Configuration

-NumPad.(Number)+    Add Windows Configuration (specific number)

-NumPad.(Number)*    Recall Windows Configuration


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J-Himmy Productions

Week 12 in the studio!! / (Chapter 12: Mix Theory)Posted by J-Himmy Productions on 2017-01-02

Chapter 12 is very interesting because there is so much to learn about mixing and mastering. For the mixing project I chose the elecronica beat and I actually went to mix it more than once because after the first time I was not satisfied with the way it sounded so the next day i went to try and make it better by playing around with all the different sounds and trying to really figure out where the right placements for eveything... Read More >>