So I have probably been in this program for a lot longer than I shouldve but with this move to vegas, getting a new full time job and with the studio calling me in to run sessions every other day has casued me to get off track but I'm back on track and trying to finish this up as soon as possible because I believe I'm well past the curriculm for this program but the work still needs to be done. So I have made it my number 1 prioty for these next couple weeks to finish this program and graduate and become a certified engineer!:)
Alejandro Rodriguez-Dawson — Las Vegas Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Alejandro Rodriguez-Dawson
Alejandro Rodriguez-Dawson
Las Vegas is like the 9th island of Hawaii where me and a lot of people I know in vegas are from hawaii. So me and a couple of friends had this idea to get all the good hawaii rappers to come together and do a cypher together... Read More >>
Alejandro Rodriguez-Dawson
Yesterday it made one year that I have moved to vegas. Making moves a nd living/surviving on your own can be a real challenge especially when you're broke and you have no one who can help you... Read More >>