I try to stay consistent. Every single day I make time for what I love to do and what I want to be my career. So every day every chance I get I either try to mix a project, make a beat, or write a song. If I cant do any of those things for whatever reason I will either promote myself by posting/showcasing the work I've already or networking with other people to get more work. Every day I have to make time for that stuff.
Alejandro Rodriguez-Dawson — Las Vegas Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Alejandro Rodriguez-Dawson
Alejandro Rodriguez-Dawson
Las Vegas is like the 9th island of Hawaii where me and a lot of people I know in vegas are from hawaii. So me and a couple of friends had this idea to get all the good hawaii rappers to come together and do a cypher together... Read More >>
Alejandro Rodriguez-Dawson
Yesterday it made one year that I have moved to vegas. Making moves a nd living/surviving on your own can be a real challenge especially when you're broke and you have no one who can help you... Read More >>