Jordan Fairbanks — Las Vegas Recording Connection

Major: Audio Engineering/Producing
I come from a small town, a very small town. As in it sits on only one side of the high way and doesn't even cover a square mile. So after I graduated, in May of 2012, I spent the summer with my closest friends, visited my family, and then got in a car, left everything I had ever known behind, and drove 700+ miles to Las Vegas, NV so that I could emerse myself in the music industry, and follow a dream that I have had since I was 10 years old. Besides going to school, I work a day job, I am pursuing my own personal career as a rap artist, and I am building a Brand (Live Large Music Brand) that is represented by six artists other than myself, from the east coast to the west coast. I believe that I can do anything that I can set my mind too, and I have set my mind to do many things.