"Intro to Pro Tools." Luckily I'm already AVID User-certified with Pro Tools 11. This week's lesson was a good refresher on key commands and workflow within the DAW. My band DETHSURF is amidst putting together a debut EP, so I brought the sessions in and got some hands-on tips and tricks from my mentor. It's good to dust off some key commands I haven't used in a while, and I cannot wait until our songs are finished. Hopefully I can expedite the process!
Wes Hawkins — Las Vegas Recording Connection
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Wes Hawkins
Aced it! Drumroll...here's my production! Recorded, produced, mixed and mastered by yours truly- my band DETHSURF! Read More >>
Wes Hawkins
Since my last post, I've been back and forth between Las Vegas and San Diego, piece-by-piece tracking a demo for my own band in San Diego, DETHSURF, and mixing it in Vegas... Read More >>