Felix NietoLaurel Recording Connection

Proper Volume Level? Posted on 2014-12-11 by Felix Nieto

Hey friends and music enthusists, 

Starting off this course today and we got a big topic to discuess. And thats the topic of proper listening and mixing levels. While this sounds so mundane and boring it really has a lot to offer, whether it be for the novice sound engineer, a recording professional or even a music enthusiast. It has something for everyone. So lets talk about it.

Today in the studio my mentor (Don Zientara) and I discussed the principal of the Fletcher-Munson Curve and how it relates to recording and mixing. According to scientific studies, the best listening level is 85-95 dB in  volume. I dont know about you but this came as news to me. I had never heard that there was a "correct" volume level that is best percieved by the human ear. In the picture below you can see that curve and understand why that is.

As you can see 85-95 dB is like the sweet spot for mixing! Who knew! Funny how things like that work. The human ear is quite a mysterious thing! 

Hopefully this posts gets you to thinking like it did me and maybe surprised you as well. 

So friends, go make better mixes and ill see you on the next one!


- Felix Nieto


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