What can I say about this session first off I got to meet Uriel who was super cool. I met another intern and it just so happenes that I was able to help set up for a recording session for a gospel Group. It was awsome to see what I was learning put to use in a live setting and it somewhat overlapped into the next section which is Microphone placement. Donny also went over different types of microphones . I think my favorite mic that was shown to me was the shotgon mic for a guitar. Im glad I took the steps to joing a program like this.
Joseph Montesdeoca — Los Angeles Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Joseph Montesdeoca
So when I went to to the session I was lucky to be able show up to a session with Uriel and two other students ... Read More >>
So this session was pretty simple we went over more tips an some tricks . It was a continuation from chapter 8 ... Read More >>