Accomplish Dream Music Group
Jeremy Jones — Miami Recording Connection
My name jeremy jones I rapper / producer I been doing music every sens I was 10 year old I all ways look up to my uncle caleb he always told me I was going to make it in the long run and to always put God first one thing i can say about my self that I was born wit a bone disease call osteoporosis I made a promise to myself that it was never going to hold me back from being successful and accomplish my dreams now that I got recording connection its showing that Gods got some big for me and I am also doing this for my dad that past Bernard jones I going make you proud of me to show people that no matter how ur born u can do anything u set your mind too dream big an work hard and u can make it
Latest Blog Entries from Jeremy Jones
mastering is the final stage in the recording process.Mastering is usally performed using one of two kinds of source material: stereo mixes [ the most common method] or stems... Read More >>