Eric Roegner — Milwaukee Recording Connection
Now that I'm in my 30's, music and comedy are the only things in my life that I can say have remained consistant. Without them I would have very little to look forward to in life. I've had many jobs and friends come and go but my passion for these two expressive arts never dies. Being a guitar player myself, I've alwasys strived for quality sound and to recreate the sounds on my stero or in my head. Although I enjoy punk rock music and quality is not usually the goal, if the recording quality is poor I always wish I could have been part of the recording process to make it sound as if I was there. After years of trying to start a band or just plain wishing I could do something in life I enjoy, because lets face it factory work is just depressing, I've finally made the commitment to learn audio engineering. Maybe the next step would be to mix music and comedy as Weird Al Yankovic, Bo Burnham, and several others have done. That's what's great about this education. There are lots of options for me once I've completed the course.