This chapter was a very enlightening one to say the least. Up to this point I did not even know compressing music was and I'm not going to lie, I had to study this one more than any other chapter to be able to grasp the concept. None the less, through re reading the chapter a couple times and having Josh explain it to me I can say I understand dynamic signal processing. Its crazy to think by making a file smaller you can actually produce a cleaner sound on a track. I've been doing a couple of my own projects on the side and I added a compression on my songs and It really brought them to life. I love how this program takes you step by step, I can honestly say I've never been so excited to learn. I suppose that means that I chose the right line of work for myself! Its crazy to watch Josh pick out certain sounds he feels is missing in tracks. Things I would completely over look seem so obvious to him.. Its crazy how well he has trained his ear to pick up on these types of things and I can say for myself I'm really starting to develop my ear as well. By no means am I on his level, but I can say I'm on my way!
Ryan Medlen — Minneapolis Recording Connection
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