Beyond serving as the Alabama state capital, the town of Montgomery is known for its rich musical heritage, having been the stomping grounds for such musical legends as Nat King Cole, Hank Williams, and Big Mama Thornton. Today, Montgomery's legacy continues with an active music scene that includes a wide range of genres but remains heavy on jazz, blues and country, the three musical styles that this part of the world is particularly known for.

The individuals featured on this site all have the distinction of being professional music producers and audio engineers trained in real Montgomery recording studios as students of the Recording Connection Audio Institute. Trained one-on-one by some of the best producer/engineers in the business, each of these individuals is uniquely qualified to handle your professional audio needs. Feel free to look over their individual websites to learn more about the services they offer, as well as to learn more about possibly attending the Recording Connection yourself. More information about the Recording Connection Audio Institute.

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