Alan Longo — New York City Recording Connection

Hi, My name is Alan Longo. Im from Howell, New Jersey. Im 18 years old & i have been producing music, Djing, engineering, & hustling to make a name for myself in the music industry since i was 15 years old. When i turned 16 i dropped out of highschool, got my GED, and immediatly got myself into a recording studio in Manhattan, New York called Phase One Studios. I interned there for about 8 months to a year. I put my heart into that place even though i had to sweap the floors, mop, sweap, then mop again in the same hour, every single day, i knew it was going to pay off later on. I litterally got up from my bed at 1 pm jumped on the public bus, sat there for a couple of hours and then made my way to the studio. Then when i was done i would leave the studio at 2 in the morning and jump rite back on the bus and go rite to sleep. That was my routine. It was a pain in the butt, but i loved it and it braught me happiness. I worked hard all those days to find out the studio got shut down. But that didnt make me quit. I knew god had a plan and he was testing me to see if i quit. Sure enough i didnt quit and i signed up for Recording Connection a couple months later where they put me in an awesome studio where i got hands on training with the best equipment in the industry. I was shocked and couldnt believe my eyes. The journey still goes on and i will make it!