Took me a while to start bloging, but here I go. my first few weeks at the studio were greater than I could imagine. I learned something new every session, micing techniques, session audio recording, track mixing, mastering, auto tuning and much more. Damien doesn't only do music recording for artists, he also does commercials, voice-overs, web-site audio and everything attached to the previoulsy mentioned. I also got a chance to listen to music I've never heard before and I'm very eager to learn more.
Paul Saif — New York City Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Paul Saif
Paul Saif
Today, i got to meet one of Damien's artists. He's a rapper with a really good singing voice, talented guy and i think he might make it big... Read More >>
Paul Saif
So a couple days ago i finished working on my first mix. Damien, my mentor, checked it out and thought, for a first mix, i did an exceptionally good job... Read More >>