Good day today! Finished with Chapter 1 and graded with A, and went to Guitar Center to buy good ear protection and some plecs. Need to get used to everything here, because it differs so much to Potsdam in Germany. Looked up a lot of words but after the first 10 pages of chapter 1 I got in to the topic. Actually loved everything, I'm only kinda lay sometimes. Still a good Ebook. My first Ebook, actually. Tomorrow is my first lesson with my mentor, Steve Kennedy. I hope it's going to be fine. I'm excited! Allright, enough of my blog post.
Rinze Van Dellen — New York City Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Rinze Van Dellen
Rinze Van Dellen
Hey guys, Sorry I'm a bit lazy with my blog. Chapter 9 and 10 were all right. Now I'm busy with learning for my midterm... Read More >>
Rinze Van Dellen
Hey fellers, Had some nice things to do last week. finished chapter 8 really quick and had the opportunity to help out at the studio 3 times... Read More >>