My first day in the studio was Monday Aug 8th. Not alot went on that day. I got to meet another producer that my mentor actually refers to as somone that mentored him in the past. i thought it was neat that my mentor was asking him questions on some things that he wasnt too sure about. So one thing i learned is that i will always be learing something new in my career, even if its 15 yrs later. My mentor got to take a listen at some of the music and sounds that i liked and we also talked a little about Pro Tools, Logic and FL Studio. I would love to learn all three but that comes with time. I also got a tour of the srudio and got to see some antiquel key boards. Day two was more of me getting to watch my mentor work with an Artist. I got to see him use plug ins and record vocals. Also i got hear him interact with the Artist through a speaker since he was in a different room than the one we were in. This week looks like i'll be sitting in on two more sessions and staring on lesson 2 in my Active Textbook. I am about to take my first quiz now and i hope get through it easily.