My first day as Poonshead studios in Freemantle was such a surreal experience. I say that because I have never experienced anything like that before. The musicians that came into the studio were incredibly good! The bass player Roy only heard the giude guitar track once and that was all he needed to be able to play bass along with the guitar perfectly. And the same went for Scott who was playing drums. In the time I was there, they finished songs. I got to operate the tape machine for Rob and adjust the compressors. And at the end of the night I helped to put away all the mics, and unplug and put away all the leads that were used for the recordings.
Poonshead studio is a great studio to be doing my apprenticeship at. The equipment is outstanding and Rob is a great Mentor. We get on really well with eachother and he is very easy going and easy to learn from. Poonshead its self has a great homely vibe to it, so it wasnt intimaditing walking in for the first time. And I felt comfortable right away.
I can't wait to get back tomorrow and keep learning.