So I finally just got my internet back up this week and was able to update my computer after so long of not being able to figure it out. I have a big task to complete this weekend and have to bust out some chapters. I recently moved up stairs into a new room and have been working some doubles. The weathers been really bad lately so I�ve just been going over previous chapters to just stay on top of things. Unfortunately my mentor and I had to part ways. I was given the opportunity to maybe get in touch with a man that runs a radio station so it be nice to get some info and just some knowledge on music and the industry itself!
Dakota Lynch — Reno Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Dakota Lynch
Dakota Lynch
So I have finished the lessons and have a pretty great feel for Ableton. I’m super thankful to have had the opportunity to finish out my classes and learn everything within them... Read More >>
Dakota Lynch
Well it was nice to get some more detail and pointers on the overall mix itself and how things are supposed to sound etc... Read More >>