Alex LugoSan Diego Recording Connection

First Chapter, First Day, First Mis-hap. Posted on 2016-01-28 by Alex Lugo

Starting a new chapter in your life is a big step, especially when you're starting a new career in a whole new world that is Sound and Music. In this case I realized that sound is like a Bubble that vibrates as it expands from a sorce and it fades away the larger it gets. These Sound Vibrationes push the molecules in the air, land and/or water. As they push the molecules it causes a domino chain effect in which each molecule knock against another and sound is produced. (Sound travels faster in water because the molecules are closer together in water than they are in air). So I had my first day in the studio, I made it 2 hours late because of traffic so I stayed as an intern just watching and trying to learn the best I could while Tomas moved and modified the tracks on the screen while Josquin guided him. I'm greatful for my mentor's patience and aditude to my tardiness. The day after I made up for my missed out class and made it 3 hours early. (It was either 3 hours early or 2 hours late...I chose early). Tomas gave me the tour of the studio and showed me where the mic cables passed from one room to another, and showed me the whole process from recording physical audio and turning it into digital binary code so that the computer can read it. It was all fasinating to me, he also showed me a few of his finished work in which I thought it was amazing. We reviewed the chapter together and the chapter test. I'm glad I did the chapter test before my first class. It was awesome, and I'm ready for Chapter 2.
-Alex out...

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