So I learned quite a bit about Electricity, for example the actual lightning bolt you'd see in a thunder storm are all negatively charged electrons. Those same electrons course through a few materials like Gold, Silver, and Copper. Copper is mostly used because of it's durability and its economic price compared to gold and silver. When the electrons pass through the copper wire continueously is called a current, and electrical currents are measured in "Ohms" and some times the current is too strong in which too many electrons pass through the wire it can heat up the wire and blow a fuse of whatever it is conected to. So that's why there's such a thing called resistance in order to reduce the flow of electrons to avoid over flowing the wired that may overload any fuses is may be conected to. Now Voltage is the Electromotive force in a circuit or the force of the flow of electrons, and based on the "Ohms Law" V=IR (Voltage=Current times Resistance) one can measure the amount of resistence needed to avoid overloading the current. It's quite facinating and very helpful to learn all of this mainly to be aware of how the music industry is heavily dependant on electricity to thrive. It's thrilling
-Alex out....
Alex Lugo — San Diego Recording Connection
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