This week I went thru the midterm, I'm really excited about the results, had an A, 38 from 39 good answers. I had the chance to be present in a drum session, did the set up of the microphones, preamps, and levels... Read More >>
Jonathan Santos — San Diego Recording Connection
My name is Jonathan Santos, i'm 19 years old, recently graduated from high school and starting the program in recording connection as an Audio Engineer.
I started singing at a very young age (even though it's not my main thing), then start playing guitar when i was 11, then piano at the age of 12, and then drums and ukulele. My passion for recording started by necessity to see how all instruments sounded together. At first, i used Garage band, but a year later, one friend borrowed me a laptop with Pro tools 9, and then I saw the wonders that can be done with this program.
Now I have a little home studio, basic but usefull.
My main goals are the be a highly prepared audio engineer and leave everything of me in the studio.