It's amazing the amount of existing cables, and how each one has a function for an specific thing. Thru this lesson i saw about banlanced, unbalanced cables, and multichannel balanced cables. How the hot, cold and ground works, the way to eliminate noise.
This is something really important in the signal flow, if you're using the wrong cable, or if it's connected to another place, it will mess with your session.
Analog cables uses signal voltage, while digital cables uses binary code.
Thomas showed me what a patchbay is, and how it works, how the signal starts at one point and goes thru in the order you want. This is a very useful equipment, and more if you're in a big studio. I thought it was harder to understand the patchbay, but knowing about the fully normalled, half normalled, parallel, open, split, helps to really memorize it's use.
Last but not least, we had some session over the week with the band "Leave the Universe", i was able to be setting up a drum kit and all the microphones, as well as connecting every mic to the snake.
And another day I met Brian, a man who played with "The Beach Boys", and had the chance to talk with him about his music, and I had a really good time with him. I had the chance to be with him at the studio for 5 hours.
And that's it for this lesson!
Jonathan Santos — San Diego Recording Connection
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