Jonathan SantosSan Diego Recording Connection

Lesson #6, Microphone Placement Posted on 2015-04-19 by Jonathan Santos

I don't have words to describe this program, so far everything has been great!
This week I saw microphone placement, I learned what microphones i should use with everything, from guitars to a whole drum set, to bass and basically every instrument, woodwind instruments, strings, we saw all the different techniques to record an acoustic guitar, to capture al the room, and the amazing vibe of it. 
How to place a perfect microphone set up, and recording in mono and stereo for each different thing. This lesson we recorded guitar and vocals to try out al the techniques, and hear the difference between them. 
I alsa saw the frequency range of all this instruments. 
And in the sessions we had this week, one was mastering a whole album from a group named "Splavender", and in the next session we kept working on Brian Christie songs, loocking in the drums. And the last session of this week we recorded a keyboard, some music for a guy named Danny.

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