Ryan FennesseySan Diego Recording Connection

RRFC Chapter 8 Quiz/Test Posted on 2018-04-23 by Ryan Fennessey

  1. The _________ ______ folder is a temporary folder that is created during your session to temporarily store ________ elastic audio file information. 
    Your Answer: Rendered Files; rendered
  2. Digidesign has been owned by _______ since 1995. 
    Your Answer: Avid
  3. The _______ ______ folder contains all the audio associated with your Pro Tools 
    Your Answer: Audio Files
  4. The first version of Pro Tools was released in ________. 
    Your Answer: 1991
  5. Avid has been awarded: 
    Your Answer: Grammy, an Emmy, and an Oscar
  6. To transfer a Pro Tools session from one location to another all you need to copy is the session (.ptx) file. 
    Your Answer: False
  7. The _______ _______ folder holds all the .mov files associated with your Pro Tools session. 
    Your Answer: Video Files
  8. Pro Tools is a DAW, which stands for ______ ______ ________. 
    Your Answer: Digital Audio Workstation
  9. The ________ ______ contains the graphic representations of the waveforms in your session. 
    Your Answer: WaveCache File
  10. Digidrums was the first venture of the duo who created Digidesign, ____________ and _____________. 
    Your Answer: Peter Gotcher and Evan Brooks.
  11. _______ _______ used to be called region groups prior to Pro Tools version 10. 
    Your Answer: Clip Groups

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