So I just got finished learning from Jesse. Awsome guy. We talked alot about automation today and we did a practice on some of it. We worked with volume automation and audio automation. I learned that by switching the tracks to ticks instead of samples, then when you change the tempo the inputs on the midi editor will stay the same. Now off to practicing pro tools.
Alexander Pugal — San Diego Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Alexander Pugal
Alexander Pugal
Almost done! I can't wait to start working in the field because it's where my experience will stem from. I'm pretty familiar with the stuff I've learned so far but I do know that right now I have to get a better understanding of compression and EQ so that I could better level up myself of how to use things like that... Read More >>
Alexander Pugal
Was a good time working with Jesse again. We were working on editing a session that was recorded a couple weeks prior to when we worked on it... Read More >>