Best Microphones to buy:
- 1) Max SPL 150 dB
- 2) For overhang room - Bidirectional
- 3) For up close and deep - Carioid
- 4) For preceise - Ultra Cardiod
- 5) For acoustice instrumentation and voice - Hi pass Filtered mics
- 6) dB Switch Pad is a must!!
- 7) Switch Pattern Mics Prefered
- 8) at least 3 Shure SM57/58 Mics
- SM58 Comes with Pop filter for voice
- Bass: Dynamic mic 7-12 inches from Bass amo
- Electric Guitar: Distortion, dynamic mic close to amp. clean, move untill "sweet spot" is found in the room.
- Acoustic Strings (Guitar,, bass, ect): Sterio Miking with condenser or ribbon mics
- Sterio miking as XY position, or spaced pair towards to hole and neck
- Drums:
- Mic toms with individual dynamic mics
- Capacitor mic 8 inches above or below the high hat, or condenser mic 2-3 inches away.
- Spaces sterio pair infront of drum kit 3-6 feet away, 2-4 feet apart
- Dynamic mic inside bass drum port hole, 8 inches from beater with blanket or pillow inside drum
- Mic snare with dynamic mic 2 inches away and above the drum. Make sure it is pointed away from high hat and toms.
- Possible to place second dynamic mic 2 inches away and below, beware of phase shift.
- The larger the diaphram, the lower the frequences they pick up.
- vice verse, the smaller the diaphragm, the high the frequences they pick up.