Aaron MatsonVentura Recording Connection

Twelfth studio session Posted on 2015-02-22 by Aaron Matson

During these sessions i sat in on another mixing and vocal recording session, we further discussed panning different instruments. Panning the drums should usually be done in the center, bass also center- panned left and right, guitars hard left and hard right and vocals center. This is just a guideline for mixing, but i learned drums can also be panned by either the drummers perspective making you feel as if you were behind the actual kit, or the audience perspective to make you feel like youre at a live show. Also he showed me the comparitive difference between how speakers pointed at diagonal angles towards give you a more realistic and accurate representation of the sound you perceive while listening back on a track youre mixing. Also how alot of mixing comes down to preference, artistic goals, and a majority of it should come from the artist as they are the customer. Cant wait till next week!

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