Corrine SeldenWashington Recording Connection

Mix Theory Posted on 2017-03-13 by Corrine Selden

Here are a few highlights from what I learned about mix theory in Chapter 12:

  • Renaming busses in Pro Tools is possible through the I/O tab of the setup menu. 
  • An effect is anything you add to your signal path that chages the sonic characteristics of the audio signal. 
  • Two general ways to use EQ are: additive and subtractive. 
  • Bouncing takes the output of the master (analog or digital) and records it on one stereo track. 
  • The master is the first copy of a song or album that all duplications are based off of. 
  • Effects used in a mix can be magnified during the mastering process, due to the compression chains used. 
  • Getting a rough mix together can be done fairly quickly by adjusting the levels and the panning of your song. 
  • Compression is multiplicative. 
  • 44.1Khz, 16 bit is the Red Book CD Standard for sample rate and bit depth.
  • You should leave the mastering engineer 3-6 dB of headroom. 

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Corrine Selden

Acoustics and Monitoring Posted by Corrine Selden on 2017-03-13

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